Project Description
Structuring and supervisory law in Capital Markets for a large German bank
Advising a major German bank in its capital markets business with institutional investors, including insurance companies, pension funds, pension schemes and asset managers. The focus is on regulatory and accounting advice on capital market products. These include in particular derivatives, structured products, promissory note loans, bearer and registered bonds.
The subject matter of our advice includes, for example, topics such as investment regulations and associated BaFin circulars, Solvency II, AIFMD, additional interest reserve, accounting for investments in accordance with German GAAP and IFRS.
The Bank is also supported in developing new products that meet the requirements of institutional customers.
The organisation of workshops and training courses for the Bank’s employees and customers as well as the organisation of customer events with lectures and moderation of discussions on current topics for institutional customers are also part of the Bank’s responsibilities.